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Eric M. Wright CPA, CITP, William M. Deller CISA, CTPRP, CTPRA, CCSFP

基于您的能力评估结果, Schneider Downs also can develop a comprehensive implementation project plan with targeted goals and benchmarking.

This helps to operationalize a Third-Party Risk Management program to achieve the targeted levels of maturity and build the capabilities an organization envisions. Organizations may know where they want their TPRM program to be in the years to come, 但没有一个微调的路线图来指导这个过程, 这可能成为一项不可逾越的任务. 程序实施可以包括以下内容:

  • Define/document governance/reporting process and roles/responsibilities
  • 加强/发展政策、标准和程序
  • 定义/记录TPRM生命周期过程
  • 定义/记录风险等级评分和IRQ
  • 定义/记录技能集需求
  • Define/document internal/external communication/sharing protocol
  • Develop enterprise-specific TPRM toolkit and define/document measurement/analysis process
  • 定义/记录监控/评审程序

如果你的公司还没有TPRM计划, Schneider Downs can work with you to develop a program that is right for your organization. We can help you build a strong foundation and guide you through each component of our model.

Additional TPRM Services

Schneider Downs TPRM Resources

Built by our tenured team of security, risk and compliance practitioners. We have leveraged decades of diverse subject-matter expertise and experience to be able to provide the following resources and tools:

How Can Schneider Downs Help?

The Schneider Downs Risk Advisory Services team has the expertise, 凭据和工具来帮助您构建, implement, recalibrate, 并管理世界一流的第三方风险管理项目. We understand that outsourcing business functions to third parties is essential in today’s business environment.  While outsourcing provides benefits such as increased efficiency and cost savings, it also increases an organization’s risk exposure to a myriad of threats presented by outsourcing.  Understanding how to identify and manage the risks presented by third party providers is vital for any business.

For more information visit or contact us to get started.


Big Problem: Company Impacted By Ransomware.

Big Thinking: 现场恢复系统,避免六位数的赎金.

Read Case Study

Big Problem: 低效的税收抵免实现.

Big Thinking: Identified A $900,000 Tax Credit, Nearly Twice As Much As Prior Years.

Read Case Study


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